Advantages of orchard robots

Why our sprayer robot is more suitable for orchard compared with agricultural drone?

Agricultrual drone has achieved great success in field management of spraying fertilizers and pesticide. Compared with drones, orchard muti-functional robot sprayer has the natural advantages.

  1. Normally the pest is on the back side of the leaves. Our sprayer robot sprays from bottom to top. It is easier to spray thoroughly. The max spraying radius of our sprayer robot can reach 7.5m.While drones are mostly spray on the top of the trees.
  2. With 12 sets of adjustable nozzles, our sprayer robot sprays more evenly and widely. The max coverage is 180°fan-shaped area. While drones spray from top to bottom, the pesticide is mainly on the crown canopy.
  3. Pesticide Adhesion. Our sprayer robot sprays on the back side of the leaves first, bcs it sprays from bottom to top. The sprayer robot atomize the pesticide into 150-400 microns fog droplets. Even atomization makes droplets adhere to leaves without dropping, reaches ideal spraying effect.

LJ Tech and Nanjing Agricultural University jointly developed the spraying system, stronger penetration, more uniform spraying, pesticide saving at the same time to ensure the effect of spraying.

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